Hey, Oh-07, our condolences. You tried really, really hard to elect an intelligent representative to replace retiring congressman Dave Hobson. Unfortunately, Sharen Neuhardt was outgunned by Steve Austria by 17 points. And now Austria is running around loose, flapping his jaw. He’s decided to be Ohio’s very own mouthpiece for the right-wing talking point that Franklin Roosevelt created the Great Depression, never mind that it started over three years before he took office.
Doesn’t it make you feel good that he’s worried that too much money floating around might be bad for the economy? You wouldn’t want to see that “huge influx” of money having a “negative effect” on your district, would you? Would you like to see him block any stimulus money coming into the district, given that it’s such a bad, bad thing? Let him know!
Or you could tell him something else. Just keep it clean and polite.